

greenery and human air

(i go through phases, food, clothes, my house. while packing for home last
week i realized my latest phase & that i should probably wear something red.)

i spent the weekend with lots of girls. mom, laura, bekah, bryn and aevy. between decorating the new house, trying new crepe recipes, and some really happy news from a sister it was a lovely 3 days.

happy wednesday! i've loved wednesday's ever since my sweet grandpa told me he prays for me on wednesdays.


watch the lemon grass grow

the arrival of my two new lenses!
finding blouses, and ^this blue bowl at goodwill on saturday.
getting a call from lan asking me how to use the sewing machine.
a lemon sale at the farmers market.
jogging with lacey lou.
reading emails from friends.
resubscribing to the Ensign.
spray paint, frames & pictures of me and my honey.... all made me happy today


i read the news today, oh boy.

why does emotion run our lives? how can 8 hours of sleep take me from feeling fine, and turn me into a nasty, pizza-eating, person; saying things i don't say left & right? why does it suddenly seem okay to eat everything that's in front of me & sit all day? how can i go from content to anxious so fast? it's not fair. i think we should have one setting. "normal"
i don't like this stuff.


i was gonna be an actress, he was gonna learn to fly

summer is better then anything. no school, less work, we get to spend lots of time together. yesterday we watched conan and jimmy & we didn't have to wake up until eight. & the weather has been lovely lately, & all i've wanted to do is swim. & i think i've lived off hot dogs & otter pops for the last two weeks.



getting somewhere

i am so indecisive. seriously, the people at ned's cringe when i walk in because i'll never decide what sandwich i want. i thought i'd try my hand at 'all or nothing' & just delete my blog. but after a week i just couldn't press the button. there is too many thoughts in my little head to make any important decisions or delete something that gets them out.


good morning sun

when i can't sleep at night i envision photos. i have a notebook full of ideas that only make sense to me.