

instead of doing homework, the lines decided to watch episodes 3-7 of LOST tonight. season one, people! i still feel like i'm watching lord of the rings from merry's perspective, the version where he is a rock god. i'm the worst person to watch movies with. i either quote the whole movie because i think i'm funnier than them or ask one million questions. "did frodo die in the plane crash? how are these men beardless after 8 days on an island?! that does not look like a polar bear! is doctor jack an atheist? homeboy and korean mama are totally into each other, huh? where is the pregnant aussie for episodes 4-6? i'm getting confused." we finally realized that it was way past our bedtime and decided to analyze john locke for about another hour. we are equal parts irresponsible and awkward.


tori said...

oh lost... what a show. just wait until you get to the end of season one. then you'll really feel irresponsible.

Unknown said...

ive been holding back on starting lost because i know i will get sucked in, you'll have to let me know how it goes. kate you and landon are too cute!!

kate said...

oh no, kate.

i still get chills thinking about that stupid haunting music they play in between episodes (you know the "lost" in white letters bit.)

be prepared to make fun of it for ALL six miserable seasons.

p.s. doctor jack is HOT.

larainydays said...

Keep watching because Ashley Flake is an extra in two episodes.

Lauren said...

oh, lost. those were the days! i remember having mediocre discussions on lost for DAYS! & i agree with you on the polar bear... i still think it's a mutant.

Mandy said...

I watched the first two seasons of Lost but Danielle the creepy huntress lady gave me terrible nightmares :) You make me laugh Kate.

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

we have never watched it, but we just got netflix and we're hoping it is on there :)

{she + him} said...

Sadly, we're on the last season...and I can't help but fall asleep before they end{only bc I'm tired, not bc they're boring}! Needless to say we're at a stand still because I have to RE-WATCH them all before we can move on. Stick with it though...the ridiculousness hasn't even begun!

abby said...

season one was so horrifically scary to me. they get less scary. but the questions keeeeeep comin.

kasey kaufusi said...

I love lost, and yes ashley flake is an extra in a couple episodes it was pretty funny seeing her on the tv then the next day in class! and good luck keeping every thing straight it gets confusing!

lauren said...

i watched the entire first season over Christmas break one year. then i decided it was too addictive for me to handle while i was in school. you're making me want to watch it again though. is it worth it?

chelsea :: stock said...

love me some lost. but yah, it really is a confusing mess'a'drama.

angela hardison said...

we're still refusing to watch it. but i'm about to cave, i can feel it. i'll blame my convenient netflix app and the inability to fall asleep sometimes.

Unknown said...

too funny! i was always just too confused to keep up with lost. you've gotta really be faithful with that show haha.


receiver of good fortune said...

i love being irresponsible! i hope you have at least 10 really soft licorice whips and a diet coke with that LOST session. if you did, it would have been heaven to me. i loved LOST before it got too hard for my mom-brain to follow.

receiver of good fortune said...

this is anna, btw.

Ashley from Sloanbook said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE LOST!!! However, I got completely lost as seasons go on...if you are questioning the early episodes...be prepared for the later ones...they blow your mind and then you still have no idea what happened!!! Haha. Love it!

Ashley Sloan